Write for us

Modern Woman Digest is an online community that values women. As such, we are open to members and visitors who wish to share their thoughts and ideas with us, those who want to participate in discussions, and women who want to share their explorations and discoveries with other women. This gives us the chance to explore and share the views and ideas of women from all ages and walks of life.

Here are the requirements and considerations you need to follow if you want to contribute to our online community:

If You Want to Write for Us, Be Sure to:

1. Submit only content that is original. We will not accept contributions that were copy-pasted from other blogs or sources. If you intend to use a published article or content, be sure to ask permission from the rightful (copyright) owner. Also, do not forget to acknowledge the author by including a link to the original post, page, or site.

2. (In addition to number one) Use only original photos, videos, and other similar content. Avoid using copyrighted materials. If you do not have photos or media of your own, you can find some online via creative commons/Wikimedia photos. If you really have to use a copyrighted photo or video, please do not forget to ask permission from the owner and to credit him/her.

3. Contributed only relevant articles, those that are important for women and those who play women roles in society.

4. Review and edit your work before submission. The minimum length for feature articles is 500 words. The maximum is 1000, although there are instances where you will be allowed to go over this.

You can contribute more than one article, just be sure they have different topics and themes.

Once you are ready to submit your contribution/s, submit it/them to info@modernwomandigest.com. Modern Woman Digest reviews all contributions, so please give us 3 to 7 days to complete such process. We will send you an email once your article/content is ready to be published.